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Grundfos Water Pumps

Grundfos is a pump manufacturer based in Denmark, with more than 18,000 employees globally. The annual production of more than 12 million pump units, circular pumps(UP), submersible pumps(SP), and centrifugal pumps(CR). Grundfos also produces electric motors for the pumps as well as electric motors for separate merchandising.

Grundfos develops and sells electronic for pumps and other systems


A solar-powered pump is a pump running on electricity generated by photovoltaic panels or the radiated thermal energy available from collected sunlight as opposed to grid electricity or client run water pumps

Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.

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We offer solution which secure your home against unpredictable grid outage with reliable backup power or we assist you to gain energy independence, access to electricity or reduce diesel generator costs for your home leveraging our cumplete off-grid solutions for homes. The solutions are for single homes, apartments, remote holiday homes and office setups. 

Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.